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  2. Webinars & Announcements


July 24, 2024 - Basics of ActionFlow

July 10, 2024 - Synchronous Solutions Overview

June 26, 2024 - Inventory Scan Session

Slides For Inventory Scan Session Webinar

June 12, 2024 - New Features 

Since this webinar came out, there may be updates to features. Check out the knowledge base articles:

Edit Angles

Schedule Configuration

Tracking Phased Jobs

Commercial Invoices and Payments

Report Categories

Monthly billing viewing

ActionFlow Ticketing System

May 31, 2024 - Synchronous Solutions: Importance of Using T$ to Manage Business

May 15, 2024 - The Roadmap to Success

May 1, 2024 - Inventory Lifecycle



April 17, 2024 - Estimate Configuration Guide


March 20, 2024 - Non-Serialized Inventory


March 6, 2024 - Downloadable Data + Security Overview

February 21, 2024 - The Accounts Tab

February 7, 2024 - Issues Tracking

Webinar Slides


December 20, 2023 - Slabsmith Integration

June 28, 2023 - New Features Webinar

Hear from the ActionFlow team what new features are at your disposal!


  • UI Refresh

Area Module

  • Basic and Advanced View Modes
  • Set the Depth for Predefined Shapes
  • Textbox Font Size Slider
  • Override a Color's Unit


  • Texting to and from ActionFlow
  • Use the Action History button to view Job History
  • Define 'Urgent' Actions

Mobile App

  • Log into the Mobile App with Biometrics


  • Job Dates as Job Data Fields
  • Comment Button in Job Actions
  • Allocate/Split Payments Across Jobs


  • Text and Email Payment Links from ActionFlow


  • Commercial Estimate & Invoice Reports


  • Recommended Bar Code Scanning Hardware

May 24, 2023 - Exploring T Dollars with Rick Phelps - The Basics of $T

Learn about the fundamentals of $T and the variety of ways in which your business will benefit from them!

April 5, 2023 - How to Master Your Online Review Process and Motivate Your Team!

Do you want more positive online reviews? Need to monitor your install team's performance? Tired of missed appointments? Let's leave the stone age behind -  join us in the new age of customer experience.

Introducing a game-changing app designed to enhance customer communication resulting in more efficient service delivery, satisfied customers, and a better reputation for your business. Spring forward into a new online review and install team rating process before your busy summer season kicks off. 

Join our 30 minute webinar featuring PinPoint Status’ own Jonathan Bennett to get your questions answered on how ActionFlow and PinPoint Status seamlessly work together to modernize your business. Plus learn about a special, short term savings offer for ActionFlow users.

During the webinar, you’ll learn how PinPoint Status:

  • Requests public reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, and Facebook 

  • Collects metrics and ratings for internal evaluation

  • Analyzes installation team performance and displays it in dynamic dashboards

  • Delivers accurate arrival times and appointment reminders, enhancing customer experience

Learn more about Pinpoint Status and ActionFlow


AF25 for 25% off Concierage Onboarding

February 15, 2023 - Maximizing Profits using Throughput Dollars with ActionFlow and Synchronous Solutions

In this joint webinar with ActionFlow and Synchronous Solutions, learn how T Dollars are defined and used to improve profitability and productivity. The webinar will give concrete examples to help you get the most of your software and business. We will have a Q&A session at the end (45:00).

  • Reese Watt - ActionFlow
  • Rick Phelps - Synchronous Solutions
  • Q&A 45:00

Next steps:

July 26, 2022 - New Features

• Drag and drop files
• Paperless App - complete actions

• Paperless App - access folders

• Power BI - access multiple dashboards in AF

• Set Prices based on Percentage of Revenue or Cost

• Add seams to arcs

• New Draw button and preset shapes

• Fraction to decimal conversion

• Faucet hole layouts with sink cutouts

• Desktop permissions now apply to the mobile app

Watch the webinar for a demo of all the new features or click here for brief guides:

Drag and drop, Set Prices based on Percentage of Revenue or Cost. Paperless App, Power BI

Preset Shapes, Fractions to Decimals, Faucet Holes

June 22, 2022 - New Features

At this 15-minute webinar we will briefly review new features and answer any questions about how they work.

• Area switching
• View multiple users in the administration tab

• Duplicate slabs in the area module

• Remnants highlighted in slab details

• Urgent DoNow actions

• Holidays

• Scheduler w/ finding job/customer

• Ensuring correct version across users (just a refresh)

March 23, 2022 - Pinpoint Status

ActionFlow now integrates with PinPoint Status, a leading software application that puts an end to long appointment windows, uncertain arrival times, and frustrated customers. PinPoint Status Chief Revenue Officer, Marc Jerauld, demonstrates how PinPoint Status enables ActionFlow clients to reduce missed appointments and unnecessary phone calls, while increasing positive reviews and online ratings.

Learn more HERE.

July 28, 2021 - Paperless App

ActionFlow's Paperless App streamlines the jobsite process by allowing users to fill, sign, and upload forms from their tablet. Simply download the jobs for the day and the right forms will be easily accessible on the Paperless App. Then, when the user has a completed form, upload it and it will be waiting on the desktop version of ActionFlow for the team in the office!

You can also learn more about this new feature here: http://support.actionflow.net/paperlessappoverview

July 21, 2021 - Power BI

ActionFlow integrates with Power BI, a Microsoft business analytics tool. The goal is that Power BI helps you make decisions by providing visualizations of key data and critical metrics for your shop. In this webinar, we discuss how Power BI could help your shop and what it looks like to get started.

Learn all about Power BI and ActionFlow here: http://support.actionflow.net/powerbi


(0:00) What is Power BI?

(2:50) Demonstration of Power BI

(11:20) Get started with Power BI

(12:05) Power BI Desktop vs Power BI Service

(15:00) Implementing Power BI in my shop

(19:55) Power BI Testimonial from an ActionFlow User

June 9, 2021 - Moving from Chaotic, Reactive and Out-of-Control to Disciplined, Proactive and Fully-in-Control: Insights from Ed Hill of Synchronous Solutions

Ed Hill, owner of Synchronous Solutions, joined us to discuss his experience helping move countertop fabricators towards increased peace and productivity where they previously felt out-of-control.

He recognizes that, “Owners need a system by which business managers can operate the company to the standards of the owner, but without the need for daily involvement.”

In this webinar, he discuss common obstacles he sees when fabricators attempt to make key changes and important mindset shifts necessary to move forward.

For more information about Ed, his methodology, Synchronous Flow, or other key resources to help you improve your business, check out the links below the video.

Synchronous Flow


Resources mentioned in the presentation:

"The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement" by Eliyahu M. Goldratt

"Leading Change" by Jim Kotter

"The E-Myth" by Michael Gerber

Management Time: Who's Got the Monkey? by William Oncken, Jr. and Donald L. Wass

Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson, M.D.

Guiding Coalition Team Responsibilities


April 14, 2021 - Vendor Pricing

Do your vendors charge different prices for the same material and color? Do their slab dimensions vary? This video shows you how to enter different vendor costs and dimensions so that you can accurately track inventory and margin.

March 17, 2021 - Cost Analysis

Knowing the margin on each job can help inform key decisions about how much to charge for material, labor, and other inventory items, like sinks. In this webinar, we provide an overview of how to track costs, understand the cost data you collect, and tweak your pricing based on the data.

February 24, 2021 - Global Files

Do you frequently send the same file attachments to clients? You can easily store file attachments that are always accessible when sending emails out of ActionFlow.

January 27, 2021 - Saved Grid Views Workshop

The GridView tab is a powerful way to look up key information in your shop. Saving views in the GridView is a quicker way to retrieve  focused information.

January 13, 2021 - Red Flags Workshop

In this workshop we discuss how Red Flags work in ActionFlow and complete an exercise to implement 3 key red flags in your shop!

Table of Contents
 0:00 - Introduction
0:40 - Red Flags on the dashboard and in the report
2:40 - Goals of the workshop
3:10 - How Red Flags work
6:50 - Key points for Red Flags
7:55 - Red Flag example
8:45 - Step-by-Step setup of Red Flags - Past Triggers
13:00 - Step-by-Step setup of Red Flags - Future Target
16:20 - Implement in ActionFlow - Past Triggers
19:13 - Implement in ActionFlow - Future Target
20:20 - Managing Red Flags
21:21 - Daily monitor overview
22:30 - Active job lists
23:50 - Using actions to manage jobs
25:45 - Long-term fixes for red flags
28:10 - Final thoughts