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  3. SKU and Price List Properties

Exclude Line Items from Tax Calculations (NotTaxed, NotInvTaxed, NotMatTaxed)

ActionFlow can be configured to charge multiple types of taxes based on the SKU class properties for tax line items and the Percent price list feature.

If the line items are set up correctly, the tax (Sales, Inventory, Material) will automatically apply to the relevant line items.

In some cases, you may want to exclude line items from tax calculations which can be done with the following price list properties.

Excluded from "Tax" (NotTaxed)

Excluded from "Inventory Tax" (NotInvTaxed)

Excluded from "Material Tax" (NotMatTaxed)

Excluded from Tax

The “NotTaxed” checkbox excludes items from Tax ("Tax" class) calculations.


Figure 1.  The Not Taxed checkbox excludes those line items from Tax when checked.   The SKU, “Sales Rep Commission,” is not taxable in this example. 

“Tax” calculations refer to SKU items in the “Tax” class.


Figure 2. In this example, the SKU items "Sales" and "State Tax" are in the "Tax" SKU class.

In this example, the Sales Commission ($330) is excluded from the taxable revenue ($2,197) which includes the material ($1,627), cutout ($120), and sink ($450).


 Figure 3. Commission is excluded from Tax in this quote.

Excluded from Inventory Tax

The “NotInvTaxed” checkbox excludes items from Inventory Tax ("InventoryTax" class) calculations.


Figure 4. The Not Inv Taxed checkbox excludes those line items from Inventory Tax when checked. The SKU, “12 inch L Brackets,” is not taxable in this example. 

“Inventory Tax” calculations refer to SKU items in the “InventoryTax” class.


Figure 5. In this example, the SKU items "Inventory Tax" and "Use Tax" are in the "InventoryTax" SKU class.

In this example, the brackets ($25) are excluded from revenue subject to Inventory Tax ($2,077) while the sink ($450) and the material ($1,627) are included.


Figure 6. Brackets are excluded from Inventory Tax in this quote. 

This would only apply to inventory items that have class designated as inventory (materials, sinks, etc.) because non-inventory items are already excluded from inventory tax calculations.


Figure 7. The Inventory Tax class only calculates tax for other SKU classes that are marked as Inventory (Invty?)

Excluded from Material Tax

The “NotMatTaxed” checkbox excludes items from Material Tax ("MaterialTax" class) calculations.


Figure 8. The Not Mat Taxed checkbox excludes those line items from Material Tax when checked. The SKU, “Tennessee Orange,” is not taxable in this example. 

“Material Tax” calculations refer to SKU items in the “MaterialTax” class.


Figure 9. In this example, the SKU items: "Material Percentage Charge," "Service Charge," “Revenue Material Tax,” and “Tax” are in the "MaterialTax" SKU class. 

In this example, the material is excluded from Material Tax calculations so there is no material tax included in the quote.


Figure 10. The SKU color, “Tennessee Orange” is excluded from MaterialTax in this quote. 

This would only apply to material items that have “material” class type because non-material items are already excluded from material tax calculations.


 Figure 11. The Material Tax class only calculates tax for Material SKU classes. 

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