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  3. SKU and Price List Properties

Apply a Charge as a Percentage of other Line Items (Percent)

Adding a value to the “Percent” column applies a charge as a percentage of other line items.

This column works in conjunction with the %Target column. The “Percent” column defines which line items to use when applying the percentage value. The “%Target” then defines where to apply the charge – cost, revenue, or retail.

Note: The percentage will apply to the REVENUE of line items. If you would like to apply the percentage to the COST of line items, set the %Target to “Use” or “UseCost”. Learn more here.

For this feature to work, the SKU class type for the line item must be:

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SKU Class Type(s)

Percentage applies to…

Subject to other tax



All line items except tax and credit card fees




Pre-tax Revenue

Not subject to other tax except CC fees


Material line items


Inventory line items

Percent Material


Material line items


Credit Card


All line items including tax


*if credit card fees need to be taxable, check out this article or work with your account manager


When using the Percent column (in the Cost Definitions grid) with the Percent (Pct) SKU class type, the percentage applies to all line items except tax and credit card fees.

To add a discount, set a negative value. To add a charge, set a positive value.

In this example, the revenue of the line items excluding tax and credit card is $2673. The 5% discount is applied which equals -$134. That brings the Pre-tax Revenue to $2,539.


When using the Percent column (in the Cost Definitions grid) with the Tax SKU class type, the percentage applies to the Pre-Tax revenue (not subject to other tax except CC fees).

In this example, the Pre-tax Revenue is $2673. The 8.25% State Tax ($221) brings the total revenue to $2,894.

Material Tax

When using the Percent column (in the Cost Definitions grid) with the Material Tax SKU class type, the percentage applies to SKU items that are the “Material” SKU class type.

The charge would NOT be included in the pre-tax revenue (not subject to other tax except CC fees).

In this example, the material revenue is $3000, so the 10% material tax is $300. This is NOT included in the pre-tax revenue ($3,500) so the material tax and state tax total is $589, bringing the revenue total to $4,089.

 If you would like the percentage to apply to the COST instead of the revenue of the material items, check out the feature here

Inventory Tax

When using the Percent column (in the Cost Definitions grid) with the Inventory Tax SKU class type, the percentage applies to SKU items that are designated as “Inventory.”


The charge would NOT be included in the pre-tax revenue (not subject to other tax except CC fees).

In this example, the 2 inventory items are the Dekton material ($3000) and the sink ($250) which brings the inventory revenue total to $3,250. The 10% inventory tax is $325 which is NOT a part of the pre-tax revenue ($3,500) subject to the state tax. Therefore, the tax total is $614 bringing the revenue total to $4,114.

 If you would like the percentage to apply to the COST instead of the revenue of the inventory items, check out the feature here

Percent Material

When using the Percent column (in the Cost Definitions grid) with the Percent Material (PctMaterial) SKU class type, the percentage applies to material SKU items and would be included in the pre-tax revenue (subject to other tax).

In this example, the 10% material waste is applied only to the Granite 3CM SKU item ($2,173). The material waste ($217) then contributes to the pre-tax revenue ($2,890).

This is a good example of a feature that combines well with the “Material” column (in the Cost Definitions grid). You can set the “Material” column so that the SKU item only applies to the selected material. Therefore, you could designate different material waste percentages for different materials.

In this example, Dekton 2CM has a 15% material waste compared to the 10% waste that applies to all other materials.

If you would like the percentage to apply to the COST instead of the revenue of the material items, check out the feature here.

Credit Card

When using the Percent column (in the Cost Definitions grid) with the Credit Card (CCAfterTax) SKU class type, the percentage applies to the revenue of all other line items, including tax.

Note: There are multiple ways to charge credit card fees and tax to adhere to the laws in your state. Work with your account manager to ensure credit card fees and taxes are charged appropriately. 

In this example, the tax ($289) is applied to the $3500 pre-tax revenue so the total after tax is $3,789. The credit card value is applied bringing the overall total to $3,922.

This is a good example of a feature that combines well with the “%Target” column (in the Cost Definitions grid).

In this example, the “%Target” is set to “Cost.” This means the credit card fee ONLY applies to the cost and NOT the revenue charged to the customer. In this case, your shop will have to pay that to the credit card company. However, some states do not permit charging credit card fees to customers.