Use the drawing item dropdown for cutouts shaped like circle/rectangles or squares/ovals.
The default draw values for these apply to:
- DrawValue1: Width
- DrawValue2: Depth
- DrawValue3: Offset from Edge
Cutouts are divided into two groups based on their shape. There is no difference between the cutouts within each shape group except which you define with the draw value dimensions. We provide a suggested linked sink group in parentheses.
Rectangle/Square shaped cutouts:
CutoutUM (Undermount)
CutoutUM-S (Undermount Small)
CutoutOM (Overmount)
CutoutOM-S (Overmount Small)
CutoutVanity (Vanity)
CutoutFarm (Farm Sink)
CutoutCooktop (Cooktop)
Oval/Circle shaped cutouts:
CutoutOval (Oval)
CutoutUMOval (Undermount Oval)
CutoutTMOval (Oval Topmount)
CutoutVanityOval (Vanity Oval)
When selecting which Cutout type to use, you can assign all square/rectangle SKU items to the “Cutout” drawing item and all oval/circle SKU items to the “CutoutOval” drawing item. However, if you plan on linking SKU items to the cutouts, you will likely want to assign more specific cutouts.
This allows you to sort those sinks into smaller groups, so that certain cutouts only show certain sink options.
For example, instead of using the “Cutout” drawing item, you could assign the “CutoutFarm” drawing item to the “Farm Sink Cutout”. This method now allows you to attach farm sinks using the LinkedCutout dropdown. (see next section)
Linking SKU Items to Drawing Items (LinkedCutout)
The Linked Cutout field allows you to link SKU items to cut out types so that both the SKU item and the cutout are attached to the quote simultaneously.
In this example, the Farm Sink Cutout uses the “CutoutFarm” drawing item. Therefore, the farm sink inventory items are assigned the “CutoutFarm” linked cutout.
On the quote, the Farm Sink Cutout drawing item then displays all the associated sinks.
Once added to the quote, both appear in the area summary with their associated cost and revenue.