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  3. SKU and Price List Properties

Set SKU Pricing (UnitRevenue and UnitRetail and Unit)

Enter the price you want to charge the customer into the UnitRevenue field, and the total charge will depend on the unit and the quantity of that unit calculated by the quote. The unit is a read-only field set based on the SKU item property.


Figure 1. "Antique Brown 3CM" is a Granite SKU item and is Category "A"


Figure 2. Category "A" of Granite 3CM is $48.25 per "SqFt" Unit 

In this example, the sink and cutout have a unit of “Each” and a “Unit Revenue” value of $250. The quantity (Qnt) column displays how many of each line item are in the quote. There is “1” sink and “1” cutout so the total “Extended Revenue” for those line items is $250. The Granite material is $48.25 per SqFt and there are 40.61 SqFt so the total is $1,959.UnitRevenue_areamodule

 Figure 3. The "Unit Revenue" is multiplied by Quantity to calculate the "Extended Revenue" that is charged to the customer

The revenue amounts for all line items are summarized in the right “Area Summary” panel. You can then provide an estimate to the customer – there are many configurations for estimates so work with your account manager.


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