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Retail Price Lists

You can set retail prices for SKU items as opposed to revenue prices. This functionality is particularly useful when submitting Estimates or final proposals directly to customers on behalf of the dealer, such as Home Depot or Lowe’s. In instances like this, the amount reflects what the customer should pay to the dealer, not you.

  1. Check the “Retail Price List?” box in the “Advanced Settings” section
  2. Set the Retail price in the UnitRetail field.

Figure 1. The Retail Price List setting allows you to set retail charges in addition to revenue charges. 

When quoting in the area module, check the “Retail” box to display retail prices.


Figure 2. Check the "Retail" box in top left of the area module to display retail values. 

You can also set retail prices based on a percentage of the revenue price in the “Tools” dropdown.

Select all the SKUs you would like to adjust, set the percentage, and click the button to set the retail amount. For more information about this tool.


Figure 3. This tool allows you to set retail prices based on a percentage of the revenue price. In this example, the retail price is 10% greater than the revenue value. 

You can provide a quote for your builder to give to the customer. There are also a few options for including retail and revenue line items in the estimate for the builder.

Show retail value on estimates

Show both retail and revenue value on estimates

Show unit retail breakdown on estimates


Figure 4. This is an example of an estimate with the retail value that a builder could give to the end-customer. 

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