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  2. Administration
  3. SKU and Price List Properties

Set Default Value for Remnants based on Percentage of Original Value (Remnant)

The Remnant field determines the default value of a slab when a remnant is created by setting the unit cost as a percentage of the unit cost of the original slab.

When you “Use” a slab, ActionFlow asks whether a remnant(s) is created.

In the example below, there are 3 original slabs and 3 remnants. In each case, the Unit Cost is either 100%, 50%, or 25% of the original unit cost. The area of the remnant is displayed on the far right in the “Square Feet” column. Therefore, the “Cost” for each slab is based on the unit cost and the area.

You can adjust the unit cost of the slab after the remnant is created.

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