The “Show Alternative Revenue?” feature allows you to display the revenue price for alternative in addition to the retail price on the same estimate.
Learn more about Retail Price Lists.
Figure 1. "Show Alternative Revenue?" is a Retail Price list feature that allows you to display retail and revenue prices for alternative materials on the same estimate.
In this example, the total revenue price is $1,482.03 and the total retail price is $1808.53.
Figure 2. Area Module with retail and revenue values
This is a retail estimate, so the total displayed in the top right is the retail price. The revenue for each line item is also displayed on the estimate.
Figure 3. Estimate with retail and revenue values
In the Alternative Materials grid, the top row shows the retail price for the Alternative categories and the bottom row shows the revenue price.
African Rainbow is a Category C color. So the “C” column matches the retail total and the sum of the revenue line items.
Figure 4. Category of the material color is displayed in the "Area Data" section
For the Revenue row to show up in the Alternative Materials grid, either the “ShowLineItemRevenue” property or “ShowLineItemUnitRevenue” property has to be checked for the report in the Report Configurations.
Figure 5. ShowLineItemRevenue and ShowLineItemUnitRevenue report properties checked for the Estimate report
In this case, you likely DO NOT want to "Show Line Item Retail" and "Show Line Item Unit Retail." However, if you want all the information on the estimate, it will show up like this:
Figure 6. Unit Retail, Unit Revenue, Revenue, Retail displayed as columns on the estimate
Figure 7. Unit Retail, Unit Revenue, Revenue, Retail report properties selected