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  2. Administration
  3. SKU and Price List Properties

Designate a SKU Item as Stock (Stock?)

Automatically apply certain charges for stock or non-stock colors – for example, you could automatically charge a fee based on a minimum SqFt value for a non-stock color.


To set up this feature, designate SKUs as stock by checking the box in the “Stock?” column.

Create a new SKU for the non-stock or stock related charge and add it to the Cost Definitions grid for a price list.

Set the “Special” type to “NonstockOnly” or “StockOnly.” You can use the LowerLimit and UpperLimit columns so that it only applies for jobs within SqFt or square meter limits. You can use the SpecialText column to apply this line item for certain categories by typing “Category,Category Name.” (ie.Granite 3CM,A)

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