Use Actions to Set Job Fields

Add additional automation and accountability to your shop by building actions into your processes that set key job fields. The job fields will be visible on job reports and in some cases can be used to add line items to the quote. 

Set a Job Field as the Comment of an Action

In this example, the "Notes" job field can be filled based on the "Comment" of the "Set Notes" action.

To configure this feature,

  1. Create an action in Action Definitions grid of the Processes tab.
  2. Set the method for the action as "SetJobFieldtoComment."

3.  In the "TextLabel" column, add the BaseFieldName for the job field which is found in the "Job" section of the Configurations tab. In this example, "Notes."

Set a Job Field as the Decision of an Action

In this example, there is a job field called, "Trip Charge," with 3 dropdown options: 50, 100, and 200. There is an action called, "Set Trip Charge" with 3 decisions: 50, 100, and 200. Completing the action will set the job field based on the selected decision.

To configure this feature,

  1. Create an action in Action Definitions grid of the Processes tab.
  2. Set the Method to "SetJobFieldtoDecision."

3. In the "TextLabel," add the BaseFieldName for the job field which is found in the "Job" section of the Configurations tab. In this example, "CustomText2."

4. Add decisions in the "Decisions and NextActions" dropdown or in the process diagram editor.

5. The Decisions in the Action Definitions should match the "Values for the Dropdown Box" in the Configurations tab. In this example, 50, 100, and 200.

Set a Job Field as True Based on the Decision of the Action

In this example, the "Sink on Site" job field is a check box (true/false field). By selecting the "Yes" Decision of the Set SinkonSite action, the job field is checked. 

To configure this feature,

  1. Create an action in Action Definitions grid of the Processes tab.
  2. Set the Method to "SetJobFieldtoTrue."

3. In the "TextLabel," add the BaseFieldName for the job field which is found in the "Job" section of the Configurations tab. In this example, "CustomCheckbox13."

4. Add decisions in the "Decisions and NextActions" dropdown or in the process diagram editor.

5. After the BaseFieldName, add the Decisions that will set the field to true with commas in between. In this example, the "Yes" decision to check the box so the TextLabel is "CustomCheckbox13,Yes." The other example in this screenshot is "Set Upperfloor" where two decisions, Two and Three both check the box so the TextLabel is "CustomCheckbox2,Two,Three."