Displaying and Adjusting Cutout and Sink Position (Centerline)

The “Show Centerline” feature displays the distance from the center of a cutout to the corner.

Right click on a top to select the cutout and left click to place it. You can adjust the position of the cutout by clicking and editing the Centerline value.

You can set the reference corner for the cutout when placing it. As you move your mouse, the reference corner changes. 

If you uncheck “Show Centerline,” then the value will not show up on the drawing - some shops want to display that centerline as part of the quote while others do not.

Figure 1. In this example, “Show Centerline” is checked for the first top and is unchecked for the bottom top. The text “Centerline” with the value is displayed for the first top and is hidden for the bottom top. 

If “Show Centerline” is checked in the default settings for a price list, when a cutout is added to a top, ActionFlow will automatically check the “Show Centerline” box for that top.

 Figure 2. The "Show Centerline" setting is checked by default for this Price List.