Set an Alternate Logo and Address for a Price List

The Alternates section allows you to use a separate logo and address for a particular Price List.

The priority for addresses that are added to the top right of the estimate is:

  1. The report’s AlternateAddress field in Report Configurations
  2. Price List Alternate Address
  3. Address stored in Customer with the Fabrication Shop Name (added during account setup)

This is the order in which addresses override one another. 

In this example, the “Vanity Program” Price List has its own logo and address.


Figure 1. This Estimate has an alternate logo and address based on the Price List 


Figure 2. The Alternates section of the Price List allows for an alternate logo and address 

Setting up the Alternate Logo

To set up the alternate logo,

  1. Save or locate a ".png" image of your logo. 215 X 105 pixels works best.
    Figure 3. "ABC Countertops" is the name of the Customer that shares the name as your shop. Find the "Email Signatures & Logos" folder in the Customer Files. 
  2. Add the "Logo" file to the Customer Files section of your shop's Customer account: go to Customer and search for the name of your shop. Remember the name of your file.

    Figure 4. The name of the logo in this example is "ABCVanities_Logo.png" which is added to the Alternate Logo field 
  3. Add the name of the file to the “Alternate Logo” field in the Advanced Settings section for the Price List.