Set Rounding Decimals for Area Module and Estimates

The Rounding Decimals sets how many decimals will appear in the Area Summary and in the Estimate. The options are “0” and “2.”

When the Rounding Decimal is set to “0,” the area summary values, and the estimate values are rounded to the nearest full dollar and the decimals are “.00”.

Figure 1. The Rounding Decimal is set to "0" 

Figure 2. A Rounding Decimal of "0" impacts the area module values and the estimate rounding to the nearest full dollar. 

When the Rounding Decimal is set to “2,” the area summary values, and the estimate values are rounded to the nearest 2nd decimal. 

Figure 3. The Rounding Decimal is set to "2"

Figure 4. A Rounding Decimal of "2" impacts the area module values and the estimate rounding to the nearest 2nd decimal.