Report Summary

Summary of all reports available in ActionFlow.

Looking for something specific? Easily navigate to the desired section of the guide by clicking on the report category you're interested in.

Managerial Reports

Estimate/Quoting Reports

Sales Accounting/Financial Reports

Job Reports

Job Accounting/Financial Reports

QuickBooks Reports

Scheduling Reports

Template/Install Reports

Production Reports

Inventory Reports

Inventory Accounting/Financial Reports

Barcode Reports

Commercial Reports

Multi-Facility Reports

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Managerial Reports

Actions By User

Displays a view of action status within the selected timeframe, enabling managers to track completions and uphold employee accountability.

Issues by Category And Reason

Detailed listing of all tracked issues within a specified date range.

Job Status Timelines

Displays the duration between different job statuses, enabling users to assess lead times and view average timelines within the specified date range.


Displays the duration between the start and final actions selected, enabling users to gain insights into the time it takes to complete specific actions.

Red Flags

Helps you stay on top of jobs that may be falling behind schedule by viewing the actions designated as 'Red Flags'.

Jobs With No Open Actions

Displays all jobs that are currently in the Accepted status or later but remain incomplete and have no pending actions.


Presents an overview of all pricing overrides by job and area within the specified date range.

Labor Tracking

Serves as a tool for tracking and measuring the time it takes for users to complete specific actions.

Job Cost – Actual

Displays various metrics such as revenue, margin, square footage, and waste, enabling a full analysis of each job's performance.

Job Cost – Projected

Provides projected revenue, margin, and margin percentage for quoted jobs within the specified date range.

Job Cost – Projected (Summary)

Provides a summary of all jobs within the desired date range and status, grouped by Dealer/Account.

Job Cost – Projected (by Dealer-Account)

Displays the same information as the Job Cost – Projected report but organizes jobs by Dealer/Account and provides an estimated margin percentage for each Dealer/Account.

Stale Actions

Offers an overview of all pending actions that are open and past due.

Octane (by Dealer-Account)

Enables users to measure Octane for each job within a specified date range, sorted by Dealer/Account.

Estimate/Quoting Reports


Presents a detailed overview of the estimate or proposal.

Estimate With Subtotal

Itemizes taxes separately from the total Estimate amount.

Estimate (No Alternatives)

Provides a simplified version of the Estimate report by omitting alternative materials and alternative edges from the view.

Estimate (No Total)

Eliminates the grand total amount of the estimate from the bottom of the proposal.

Estimate With Fab Layout

Displays the estimate, job drawing, and fabrication layout together.


Serves as the Final Estimate or Contract where clients acknowledge their acceptance of the final price.

Revision Comparison

Allows you to compare one Estimate revision to another by displaying a line-by-line comparison.

Sales Accounting/Financial Reports

Totals By Role

Offers a breakdown of revenue totals based on user roles.

Totals By Dealer

Displays the revenue generated by each Account/Dealer.

Installed Jobs

Offers an overview of the installed jobs categorized by Account/Dealer and includes percentage of revenue generated by each account.

Job Reports

Header With Custom Text

Displays the customer information in the header of the report but allows the user to customize the messaging within the report body.

Job Site Details

Provides an overview of all the key job details for the selected project. Primarily used by the template and install teams.

Job Site Details - Landscape

Serves as an alternative version of the standard Job Site Details report, specifically designed to accommodate a larger drawing view.

Active Jobs

Offers an overview of all active jobs, organized by their current status, enabling users to monitor progress and ensure timely completion.

Active Jobs By Partner

Provides an overview of active jobs organized by Partner/Dealer, ideal for users targeting specific partner-related job tracking and management.

Job History

Displays a grid of all completed actions on the job.  

Inventory Line Items

Displays all associated inventory items assigned to a particular job.

Job Accounting/Financial Reports


Displays the Invoice for the job.

Deposit Request

Provides the deposit amount that is required to initiate and accept the order.


Provides an overview of all areas of the job, including payments made towards the job.

Online Payments

Displays overview of all payments received through the Basys integration, sorted by Dealer/Account.

Open Job Orders

Provides a view of all jobs that have been accepted after the selected date but have not yet been invoiced.

Job Activity With Payments By Account

Provides a view of active jobs within the designated date range, including payments and amount due organized by Account/Dealer.

Job Activity With Payments By Sales Rep

Displays active jobs within the designated date range, including payments and amount due organized by Sales Rep.


Serves as an internal tool for management, providing a view of the costs and revenue associated with each line item of a job.

QuickBooks Reports

Invoice Export Reconciliation

Displays jobs successfully exported to QuickBooks within the specified install date range, sorted by Account/Dealer.

Payments With Export Date

Presents users with a view of all payments made within the specified date range, including the date they were exported into QuickBooks.

Inventory Snapshot With Mapping

Delivers a list of all inventory items grouped according to the Inventory Mapping Field in ActionFlow, which directly relates to the Inventory Item/Inventory Part Type in QuickBooks.

Scheduling Reports

Compact Install Schedule

Organized by date and installer, this report offers a snapshot of the number of parts (tops) associated with each job, ensuring accurate and efficient loading of trucks for the day.

Install Schedule (Short)

Displays the install schedule, sorted by date.

Install Schedule Checklist

Provides a more detailed install schedule, sorted by install date. Displays details including number of pieces, square footage, and any additional items.

Job Site Schedule

Provides users with a summary of the day's jobs for each template and installer.

Fab Schedule

Exclusively made for users our Fab Scheduler, this report displays the schedule by color instead of job, sorted by fabrication station.

Fab Schedule (Short)

Provides an overview of jobs in production, sorted by target date.

Fab Schedule (Job)

Provides a view of all jobs currently in production within the specified date range, organized and sorted by station.

Template/Install Reports

Templated Jobs By Templater

Displays all jobs that have been templated within the specified date range, sorted by templater.

Installed Jobs By Installer

Displays the completed installs within a specified date range, sorted by installer.  

Installed Jobs With Address

Displays completed installs along with the address, revenue, payments and balance due for each job.

Production Reports

Shop Details

Displays information important for production.

Shop Details - Landscape

Functions identically to the standard Shop Details report but is optimized for landscape orientation, offering a wider view of the pertinent job details.

Fab Layout

Displays the fabrication layout for the job.

Fab Layout (Multi)

Displays the fabrication layout across multiple pages, with each page dedicated to a specific slab.

Customer Layout

Displays the project layout for the selected customer.

Customer And Fab Layout

Presents a combined view of the project layout and fabrication layout, conveniently consolidated into a single, user-friendly report.

Jobs With Stone Present Not Yet Fabricated

Provides a convenient way to identify all jobs where the material is already present but have not yet been fabricated.

DXF Drawing

Displays the DXF drawing which has been imported into the area of the job.

Uploaded Drawings

Displays the drawing that has been uploaded within the Area Module of a specific job.

Top Labels

Generates a dedicated label for each part/top on the fabrication layout.

Top Labels - Landscape

Generates landscape-oriented labels for each top on the fabrication layout.

Top Labels 3x1

Produces labels measuring 3" x 1" for each part/top on the fabrication layout.

Top Labels 4x2

Produces labels measuring 4” x 2” for each part/top on the fabrication layout.

Inventory Reports

Available Inventory Items

Lists all in-stock items organized by SKU Class, enabling efficient inventory management.

Usable Inventory Items By Color

Offers a view of available inventory for the selected color.

Usable Inventory Items By Job

Provides an overview of the slabs or items required for selected job.

Upcoming Jobs with Inventory Data

Provides an overview of upcoming jobs, sorted by material.

Inventory Alerts

Provides a view of inventory items that have a minimum stock quantity associated with them. Shows surplus inventory so you can easily identify what needs to be ordered.

Inventory Alerts (NonSerialized)

Operates similarly to the standard Inventory Alerts report but displays non-serialized inventory items.

Inventory Waste

Displays waste totals and percentages within a specified date range, organized by color.

Purchase Order

Provides a detailed list of items to be ordered from your supplier.

Purchase Order with Item #

Offers the same information as the standard Purchase Order report but includes the ActionFlow Item Number for each item.

Purchase Order with Price

Includes pricing and sizes for each item listed on your order.

Purchase Order with Price & Item #

Displays pricing information, the ActionFlow Item # and the Vendor Item # for each item on your order.

Receiving Worksheet

Displays the listing of slabs that are scheduled to arrive on the truck for the selected order.

Tagged Items

Provides a listing of all tagged items sorted by color.  

Tagged Items By Customer Name

Displays all tagged items sorted by customer.

Tagged Items By Job Number

Displays all tagged items, sorted by job number.

Sinks By Template Date

Functions similarly to the Sinks By Install Date report, but displays sinks allocated for jobs based on the selected template date range.

Sinks By Install Date

Provides an overview of all sinks assigned to each job, organized by their installation dates.

Consigned Slabs

Provides an overview of all available, tagged, and sold slabs that are awaiting payment, organized by supplier.

Inventory Accounting/Financial Reports

Cost of Goods Sold

Offers a detailed breakdown of the cost of goods sold, conveniently sorted by SKU Class within the specified date range.

Inventory COGS by SKU Class

Displays cost of goods sold within the specified period sorted by SKU Class.

Inventory Financial Summary

Provides an overview of inventory adjustments and values within the specified period, organized by SKU Class.

Inventory Snapshot

Offers an overview of inventory levels and values as of a specified date, conveniently organized by SKU Class.

Inventory Snapshot (Nonserialized)

Displays quantity, cost, and value for non-serialized items in your inventory, organized by SKU Class.

Totals By Material

Provides a breakdown of the revenue generated by each color.

Inventory Used

Provides an overview of all slabs cut within a specified date range.

Slabs To Pay For

Provides an overview of all outstanding materials that have not yet been paid for.

Consigned Slabs To Pay For

Presents a list of all slabs that have been cut or installed but are still pending payment.

Inventory Invoices

Provides an overview of open invoices organized by vendor.

Barcode Reports

Barcode 3 x 1

Generates individual barcodes measuring 3" x 1".

Barcode 4 x 2

Creates individual barcodes measuring 4" x 2".

Barcode – Thin

Generates individual barcodes measuring 4" x 5/8".

Barcode – Thin .5

Generates individual barcodes measuring 4" x 1/2".

Barcode – Vertical

Produces individual barcodes in a vertical orientation measuring 1" x 3".

Barcode – Vertical Thin

Produces individual barcodes 5/8" x 3" in a vertical orientation.

Barcode 22up

Produces a list of barcodes for efficient slab tracking during receipt or transfer.

Barcoded Locations

Creates individual barcodes for each location within your facility.

Commercial Reports

Commercial Estimate

Created for commercial projects, this generates a single, consolidated estimate which displays pricing details for multiple jobs or phases.

Commercial Line Items

Displays a detailed view of every line item across all jobs for commercial projects.

Project Proposal

A tool for quoting commercial projects, providing a detailed breakdown of all line items associated with each job.

Commercial Invoice

Consolidates multiple jobs into a single invoice for commercial projects.

Multi-Facility Reports

Active Jobs – MF

Designed for users utilizing our multi-facility feature, this mirrors the Active Jobs report but adds the ability to filter by facility.

Job Cost – Actual - MF

Specifically designed for clients who utilize our multi-facility option and functions similarly to the Job Cost - Actual report.

Templated Jobs By Templater (MF)

Tailored for clients using our multi-facility feature, this report displays templated jobs within the specified date range.

Installed Jobs By Installer (MF)

Designed specifically for clients using our multi-facility option and provides an overview of completed installs within the specified date range.

Red Flags – MF

Specifically designed for clients utilizing our multi-facility option, this report provides all the information that the standard Red Flags report offers, but also includes the fabrication facility details.

Inventory Snapshot - MF

For clients utilizing our multi-facility option.   Provides an overview of inventory levels and values as of a specified date, organized by SKU Class and facility.

Tagged Items By Job Number – MF

Specifically designed for clients utilizing the multi-facility option, this provides an overview of tagged items sorted by job number.

Pending Transfers

Made for clients using the multi-facility option, this provides a list of inventory items scheduled for transfer from one facility to another.